make time to make.

Monday, July 28, 2008


I am still waiting for mirror and magnet parts but I got started this weekend making 3" buttons with my new machine. Here is my first creation, a recycled book cover button featuring J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit. I've already listed this in my shop I love how it turned out! The bigger format buttons are a lot of fun.

The yard sale was a bust. We were all kind of crabby, got eaten up by mosquitos and only made twenty dollars. The only good thing is that we got rid of a LOT of stuff. At the end of the day I left a ton on the curb and took the rest to goodwill. That alone made it worth it!


Tia Colleen said...

I hate having garage sales. I always feel so offended when none of my stuff sells. I can understand the crabiness.

kim* said...

looks fun :)