make time to make.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
We're having a SALE.
Enjoy your week!
Monday, January 18, 2010
cupcakes & bangs
I was home alone over the weekend while Chad was in Ilinois visiting his family with the kids. I got a lot accomplished around the house and did a little bit of crafting, too. The one fun new thing that i made is these cupcake cards. They're printed with metallic gold ink and adorned with little cut out hearts. I made them in the wee hours of the morning when all of my best work is done. I really like how they turned out. The shimmery ink is hard to see in these photos but it's very pretty!
I am off work for a few days this week. We have friends from out of town visiting for a few days so we will just be spending a few mellow days with them. Hope this slightly warmer weather sticks around for awhile!
Have a great week!
Monday, January 11, 2010
I have a paper problem.

I also FINALLY finished up the art journal I have been holding onto for way too long. The theme is 'healing' and this is what I came up with.

Have an excellent week! Happy Crafting!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
two thousand and what?

Originally uploaded by space oddities
Happy New Year! I spent my New Year's Eve with my sweet kiddos having a ballons/movies/popcorn party followed by the most mellow New Year's day ever. We stayed home ALL day, made Swedish pancakes for breakfast and didn't get out of our jammies until, well LATE. It was lovely. My only goal on New Year's day was not to spend any money. I figured that not going out would make that easy. And so it was. Excellent!
2010 has been decent so far. I've been busy making valentines and have listed some new things in the etsy shop. Catching up on things around the house and thinking about getting my taxes done. Looking forward to a visit from dear friends later this month. And planning a crafty get-together to make valentines.
I hope your new year is off to a great start!